Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Henry Rollins Interview

During the years you’ve written several books. What inspires you?

I am inspired by what makes me curious. Most of my books are travel oriented as in touring and seeing the world. A lot of that comes from curiosity. So, the writing goes outward from there. When I was younger, the writing more self-involved and introspective and now it’s more journalism. Perhaps that’s an age thing.

If you could make a movie or documentary based on any of your books or even asong lyrics, which one would you choose? Why?

It would probably be the new book Occupants, which is photographs and essays. It would have been great to have had a film crew on some of those trips where I got the photos.

What do you think are the main challenges that the current western society is facing?

The primary challenge is that the chickens of deregulated capitalism have come home to roost and not everyone will be able to handle that. Most of the population who votes for those who pass deregulation measures, will be affected to a great extent. The irony is right there but they don’t see it.

You’ve been involved with several pro-gay organizations. How do you think have the gay marriage/gay rights issue has evolved in the last two decades in the States?

It’s turned into a great fund raiser for the rightwing in the America. Apparently it will be the end of western civilization if gay people get married if they want to. If every gay person stopped being interested in getting married, conservatives would lose one of their greatest and most trusted performers.

You’ve toured with the United Service Organizations, a nonprofit organization that, since 1941, is providing morale and recreational services to members of the U.S. military. How was the experience?

It’s a strange environment to be in, to be touring through a war zone and then just get on a plane and go back home. It makes one see how war has zero credibility. It’s just a scam.

When have you been proudest of being part of a project regarding activism subjects?

I don’t get proud of things really. It’s a feeling that I can’t get behind. I am happy that the West Memphis Three got out of prison finally. My bandmates and I put out a benefit record for them and did a lot of shows and gave them the money. I am glad we were able to contribute money to their cause and that it helped free them.

What’s the most outstanding act of heroism you’ve ever seen or the one that has had a special impact on you?

I saw Chuck Dukowski crawl under a burning van (ours) and put the fire out while burning oil dropped all over him. He still has scars from it. It was crazy to watch. I have not seen anything past that in the hero/rescue department that rivals that.

In what projects are you working right now?

I just released a photo book called Occupants. I am leaving tomorrow to go out and do appearances for it. After that, I will be getting ready to go on tour, that will take a long time, hopefully a good part of next year. 

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