Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Chris Connelly Interview

You have had a very prolific career as a musician but what some people might not know is that you’re also an author. Your first book was Confessions of the Highest Bidder. Can you tell us a little about its content?

Confessions was basically a collection of songwords, starting from around 1982, which is when I was in my nascent stages as a songwriter, I suppose, it follows me through my move to the states and through several subtle stylistic changes as a writer-that being said, to the outside reader (i.e. someone who is not me) I think it is apparent that several things in my writing are constants. I also published a number of pieces in this book which were not songwords, they are simply poems, some of them later became songs.

With the perspective of time, what is the piece from that book that you’re proudest of? Why?

Oh, that’s hard-I actually am looking at it right now, and my answer cannot be concrete-sorry, I am not a contrarian, but writing for me carries with it the perspective of my own abstraction so, to answer your question, there are pieces in there that are very visceral and intuitive, the bits where I am writing about nature or the asymmetry of nature perhaps, that’s when I feel I have bypassed the human and am writing instinctively.